Traducción al español del ministerio hispano Keizer

For more than 17 years the Keizer Church of Christ has sought to reach out to the Hispanic community of Salem/Keizer through supporting a small congregation called the Iglesia de Cristo that met at our building on Sunday afternoons.    Beginning in September 2019 we are transitioning to a new model for outreach to the Hispanic community in hopes of making a greater impact.

This transition has a long and short term components.

Long Term

For the long term, we plan to have a Hispanic ministry that equally reaches first generation Spanish-only speakers and second-generation Spanish/English speakers.  As much as possible, we seek a ministry that fully integrates Hispanic Christians into the life of the broader Keizer Church of Christ, while at the same time offering distinct teaching and worship opportunities for those who can only function in Spanish.    We are currently in the process of searching for a minister who is able to help us implement this long term vision.  Once he joins us, he will help us formulate the specific elements of the hispanic ministry.

Short Term

Until the hispanic minister joins us, we have a transitional plan in place that involves the following elements:

  • Spanish Language. A Spanish language interpreter provides a simultaneous translation of all the speaking portions of the worship service. Spanish speakers are provided with a transmitting device to be used with earbuds that brings the translation.
  • Interpreter. Raul and Kim Solis will be our main Spanish language interpreters. They have worked in Toluca, Mexico for 17 years in church planting and evangelistic efforts. On weeks when Raul and Kim are away, we will have other interpreters filling in.
  • Spanish Language Bible class. Each Sunday we will have a Bible class conducted in Spanish by our interpreter. This class meets in the Library/Elders’ conference room from 9:30-10:30am.
  • Spanish Songbooks. Songs will be led and projected on the screen in English as in the past. But we will provide a Spanish language songbook that corresponds to the song service. Worshipers are welcome to sing in whatever language they are most comfortable. Spanish song books are located in the foyer.