A couple of weeks ago I preached for the congregation on the transition of our children “leaving the nest” and beginning to establish themselves as fully functioning faithful adults. At the end of the sermon I had our middle school students hand out cards inviting the whole congregation to pray frequently for our own high school graduates and “College-agers” and our ministry to them. Have you remembered to pray about this? Well, count your self amongst the reminded!Lost on Campus

What ought we to pray? Some observations and suggestions for you to consider. This year we have six students graduating from high school. Some of them are leaving home to go to college elsewhere, some of them are staying here. We also have college-agers who are home for the summer, or will be returning to school soon or are in school now and will continue to progress this fall. On top of that we have students who will be returning to Salem when Willamette U. begins the fall semester. And to top off the list we are surrounded by a host of college campuses within 30 minute drive.

Perhaps we ought to pray for all of these young folks to seek out and be deeply tied to a congregation wherever they are, both now and during the school year. We could pray that as a congregation we really help and encourage them to find their place and a way to serve in our church. Perhaps we should pray that God will nurture some interest and a clear direction for us to organize a college-age ministry in our congregation. Let’s also pray for God to lead us into the lives of college students in our midst who are seeking him. Let’s start praying and keep praying this summer about our college students, about our ministry to and with them and about our opportunity to reach more of these folks with the good news of Jesus. Let’s pray, let’s pray a lot and then at the end of the summer, let’s reflect and discuss and see where God is leading us to serve.

Thanks for your prayers, Hojo