The Young Adults of Keizer (YAK) is mostly made up of young adults (18-30 years of age), but they welcome anybody who desires further fellowship opportunities within the congregation. Currently, this group meets regularly for dinner and a devotional once a month.
Additionally, YAK has two weekend retreat opportunities each year. In the summer, YAK goes on a weekend retreat, which includes study and discussion of Scripture, eating, playing, and enjoying the local opportunities. Furthermore, YAK is also involved in a state-wide weekend retreat for young adults in the winter.
It has also become tradition in the summer, when college-students are here, to facilitate a YAK-led Sunday morning Bible class which revolves around the reading and discussion of a particular book. Over the last two summers they have read and discussed N.T. Wright’s “Simply Jesus” (Summer 2021) and Christopher Wright’s “Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit” (Summer 2022) and C.S. Lewis’ “Screwtape Letters” for 2023.
It is also the goal of YAK to contribute to the larger body of faith at Keizer Church of Christ by serving the congregation as needed.