trumpThe other day I heard a story on the radio about Donald Trump.  The focus of the piece concerned his “brand”.    Branding is a critical thing for any company because it essentially is what your potential customers think about you when they hear or see your name.  So, for example, when people think of Trump, certain things come to mind: Real estate development, opulence, sharp rhetoric, and untamed hair styles.   Every time Trump makes a business deal or gives a speech or appears in public, his brand is reinforced or diminished.

Places also have images and brands they seek to uphold.   For example, when you think of the state of Texas, you think of many things (Cattle, Oil, Bigness, Cowboys).  One thing I always think of is BBQ, which is an important part of the Texas brand.  Having lived in Texas for eight years I developed a particular affinity for Texas BBQ, so whenever I go there I look forward to opportunities to get the real thing.  On our 20150824_180619recent trip my brother treated my family to BBQ at Risckys at the Fort Worth stockyards.   In addition to all the cattle drive decorations, including a cowboy version of the 10 Commandments, one great feature of Risckys is the all you can eat beef ribs for $12.99!   I’ll ‘spare’ you the details, but let’s just say that Risckys at the Fort Worth Stockyard, in Fort Worth definitely lived up to and bolstered the Texas BBQ brand.

Most of us are not politicians running for office nor are we businesses trying to maintain a certain brand.    But, we as Christians do need to think about the image that we project as followers of Jesus.  Since we wear the name of Christ, it matters how we are perceived by others.  Jesus said “let your light shine before others” (Matt 5:16);  Peter said to “keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable” (I Pet. 2:12); and Paul said, “Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phil 1:27).    By doing these things we bring glory and honor to God and potentially can help others come to a saving relationship with Christ.   Let us remember that everything we do or say contributes to our brand as a Christian.  May we live up to the high calling that God has given us in Christ Jesus.   Take a minute to pray about your relationships at work, at school, and at play and ask God to help you be a good image bearer of Him.  May you represent well the Christian brand.

“Lord, please help us to reflect your glory and your love and your grace to others.  May we realize that we do not live for ourselves but for You.  May others see Jesus in us today. Amen.” DTW