Posts from April 2016

4 Items

What makes a Man…a Man?

by Darren Williamson

To speak of “manliness” today is almost to invite a chuckle.  While this word has been used throughout history to denote certain qualities and virtues that men should aspire to, recently it has lost most of its potency as a concept.  In our day and time it is more likely that this word would be […]

A Snapshot of Us


The first weekend of April we held our Annual Keizer Church of Christ Leadership Retreat at the Kerith Lodge in Pedee, All of our elders, deacons and ministers were “present and accounted for.” (Hmm..was it just a coincidence that this event overlapped with April Fool’s Day…hmm..?) Anyway, it was a great weekend! We spent time […]

Sweet Fellowship

by Darren Williamson

A few months ago I was visiting with a person who was trying to better understand the organizational structure of the churches of Christ, specifically the issue of congregational self-governance.  She was particularly interested in knowing what would keep the Keizer Church of Christ from going off the deep end theologically since we are not […]

Some things I Learned Sunday


This past Sunday morning was a very good day.  Our time with the folks from Eastern European Ministries was informative, encouraging and faith building.  And the time spent honoring Rex and Marion was eye opening and edifying.  I am certain that I was not the only person in the congregation who was moved to tears […]