Posts by Darren Williamson

110 of 24 items

Giving Thanks for the Deep Love of Jesus

by Darren Williamson

During this Thanksgiving season let’s be sure to be thankful for all the blessings we have in Christ Jesus.  In our sermon time this Sunday we will be exploring the reasons that grasping the love of Christ impacts our lives.  Paul kneels and earnestly prays that saints will grasp the love of Christ.  Take a […]


by Darren Williamson

We have a couple transitions happening at Keizer right now.    One has to do with graduations.  This past Sunday we as a congregation celebrated a transition in one of our member’s life.  Alex Souza, son of Dave and Lori, graduated from Sprague High School and is now moving on to the next phase of his […]

What makes a Man…a Man?

by Darren Williamson

To speak of “manliness” today is almost to invite a chuckle.  While this word has been used throughout history to denote certain qualities and virtues that men should aspire to, recently it has lost most of its potency as a concept.  In our day and time it is more likely that this word would be […]

Sweet Fellowship

by Darren Williamson

A few months ago I was visiting with a person who was trying to better understand the organizational structure of the churches of Christ, specifically the issue of congregational self-governance.  She was particularly interested in knowing what would keep the Keizer Church of Christ from going off the deep end theologically since we are not […]

Tax Day is upon us

by Darren Williamson

April is around the corner and you know what that means: Tax day.  I’m actually really looking forward to tax day this year, not because I’m excited about writing a check to Uncle Sam.  Instead, I’m excited about tax da y because it just so happens that April 15th is also the day that the Leadership Training […]

Burma Calling

by Darren Williamson

This year has been a year to reflect and act upon our calling to Witness.   We have explored the way the early church carried this testimony from Jerusalem all the way to Italy and beyond, in obedience to Jesus’ direct command:  “You will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8).   We have also been asking how we […]

Ready, Set, Retreat!

by Darren Williamson

Retreat season is upon us at the Keizer Church of Christ.  Retreats are a opportunity to get away together for a time of spiritual renewal, encouragement, and rest.  The ladies’ retreat is this coming weekend at the Oregon Coast and will run Friday afternoon through Sunday morning.  This retreat is designed to be an intimate […]

Ashes to ashes…

by Darren Williamson

Last year about this time I walked into my classroom at a local Christian University.  In the back row was one of my students, a young man about 20 years old, who had something very different about his appearance.  On his forehead was a pronounced black smudge that looked like someone had thrown a wet […]

I Need Thee Every Hour

by Darren Williamson

Our sub-theme through Easter is “Salt and Light: The Church’s Influence in a Secular Culture.”  Each week we are considering the influence that we as Christians can have on the broader culture.  This week we are looking at the power of truth.  There are many truths to which the gospel bears witness: God as creator, […]

The Art of Marriage

by Darren Williamson

This coming year is a big year for the Williamson family because Melody and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary next summer.  It is hard to believe that we’ve been married that long. Marriage is a wonderful, God-ordained, blessing that serves as the most fundamental building block of society.  Sharing your life in […]