To speak of “manliness” today is almost to invite a chuckle. While this word has been used throughout history to denote certain qualities and virtues that men should aspire to, recently it has lost most of its potency as a concept. In our day and time it is more likely that this word would be used in a mocking sense and this is very unfortunate. It is one more sign that our culture is confused about “What Makes a man a Man”. Needless to say, when men don’t understand their unique calling and identity, there are negative consequences for marriages, families, and churches.
The Men’s Day at Keizer Church of Christ on Saturday May 21 will attempt to counter the culture’s confusion on manliness with some great teaching, manly fellowship, and encouraging worship. Our featured speaker is Kevin Hooper, a minister from Weiser, Idaho who will bring us three powerful lessons on what makes a man a man. Kevin will encourage men to be protectors of their families, whether in a physical, spiritual, or emotional sense. He will also exhort us to be leaders in the home as well as in the church, not shying back from God’s calling. Finally, he will also remind us that we are to be providers who selflessly take care of our families.
One thing that will make this Men’s Day a little different is that at each session we will be giving away books that are featured somehow in Kevin’s talks. It should be a lot of fun and a way to provide resources for implementing the messages. One book is entitled The Art of Manliness and includes very practical tips on how to be a man in an age when that art is being lost. The book covers everything from how to tie a tie, to how to “not be a slob” to “how to deliver a baby in a pinch”. The second book is The Next Story: Faith, Friends, Family and the Digital World and focuses on the ways that technology is changing many of our most basic relationships. As protectors, men need to be totally aware of ways new technology may bless or threaten our family lives and respond appropriately. The third book is The Dude’s Guide to Manhood: finding true manliness in a world of counterfeits and provides very thoughtful and spiritual insights into what it means to be a Christian man today.
Of course, as always, we will start the day with an awesome breakfast, then have the time of worship and teaching, and then we will head to the golf course for a fun tournament. The golfing is a lot of fun, even if you are not really into the game because the “best ball” format allows you to build on the shots of your much better teammates! The morning session is free but if you choose to play golf there is a $40 fee.
I hope all the Keizer guys will join us for the Men’s Day and invite your friends! Ladies, please encourage the men in your life to attend this event! You can click here to go to the registration page. It should be a great day. DTW