The LIFE Group ministry is vital in our effort to develop close spiritual relationships, connectedness, openness, prayer, and the application of Christian teaching to daily living within our congregation. These small groups, comprised of 12-20 individuals from multiple families, meet weekly in a host family’s home. The LIFE Group ministry is vital in our effort to develop close spiritual relationships, connectedness, openness, prayer, and the application of Christian teaching to daily living within our congregation. These small groups, comprised of 12-20 individuals from multiple families, meet weekly in a host family’s home. LIFE Group meetings often include a meal or dessert, and time is set aside for worship, prayer, and an application-oriented Bible discussion. Our LIFE Groups are organized in September of each year and run through February. A new format is then introduced for the months of April through August in which each LIFE Group organizes one congregation-wide event held at the church building. Roughly one-half to two-thirds of our congregation participates in a LIFE group. This is a great avenue to fully incorporate new members as well as to introduce non-believers to the Christian faith.